• Invited Speaker, “Copyright & Trademark Rights for Creative People,” Archon 34, St. Louis, MO 10/2/2010
  • Invited Speaker, “How You Own What You Create,” Archon 34, St. Louis, MO 10/1/2010
  • Invited Speaker, “Creators’ Rights: An Introduction to Intellectual Property,” Audio Engineering Society, St. Louis AES Section Meeting 9/13/2010
  • Panelist, “Yo, You Gonna Pay for That? Copyright in the Digital Age,” Audio Engineering Society, Central Region AES Student Summit, Webster University, St. Louis, MO 3/27/2010
  • Invited Speaker, “Trademark and Copyright: Protecting Yours and Using Theirs,” Archon 33, St. Louis, MO 10/4/2009
  • Invited Speaker, “From Gangsters to Lawyers: How Copyright Shaped the Man of Steel,” Archon 33, St. Louis, MO 10/2/2009
  • Invited Speaker, “New Media Pandemonium: Intellectual Property in a Digital Age,” Archon 33, St. Louis, MO 10/2/2009
  • Invited Speaker, “Life as a Litigator,” Washington University in St. Louis, School of Law, Intersession 1/9/2009
  • Speaker, “Sending Copycats to the Doghouse: Copyright Protection and Liability on the Internet,” Husch Blackwell Sanders LLP, Intellectual Property Seminar, Washington University 10/22/2008
  • Invited Speaker, “Creation and Confusion: Character Copyright in a Collaborative Medium,” Archon 32, St. Louis, MO 10/4/2008
  • Invited Speaker, “Creators’ Rights: An Introduction to Intellectual Property,” Archon 32, St. Louis, MO 10/3/2008
  • Invited Speaker, “Copyrights, Trademarks, Right of Publicity & Fair Use,” Ad Club St. Louis Meeting 8/18/2008
  • Invited Speaker, “Practical E-discovery Risk & Reward: Practical Lessons for Managing Infinite Requirements with Finite Resources,” Association of Records Managers and Administrators, St. Louis Chapter 5/17/2007
  • Invited Speaker, “Character Copyright Litigation: Everything I Know, I Learned from a Comic Book,” American Bar Association, Copyright Subcommittee of Litigation Section, Quarterly Conference 3/13/2008
  • Speaker, “Creators and Copycats: Protection of Architectural Works,” Blackwell Sanders LLP, Omaha, NE 11/6/2007